Vilk Collective at its core, is creative duo Roxana Vilk and Peter Vilk both musicians and award winning filmmakers, who met in Bosnia just after the war. War was a backdrop to both their childhoods , Roxana grew up in Iran and her family fled as the Iran/Iraq war started. Pete was born in London but his parents grew up in the old Czechoslovakia and had fled to London when the Russian tanks invaded in 1968. They both grew up listening to eclectic music from Iranian Folk songs & Persian Funk to Czech Jazz & Punk.  For their new album they've recorded with top musicians Yann Seznec on Keys (Mathew Herbert), Allan Ferguson on Bass (Freaky Family) BBC TV has filmed Vilk Collective for 3 separate music programmes & recorded live sessions at the Premise Studios. They were Selected for the UK Jazz Expo at the Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival & commissioned to create 45 minutes of original music for the Edinburgh Art Festival as part of the Nam Jun Paik Exhibition.  Recent gigs include Bristol Beacon, Trinity Bristol, & St George's Bristol, Freedom Festival Hull, St Mary’s Fratton, The 360 Immersive Dome Plymouth.

Pete and Roxana met working in post war Bosnia. Roxana was running participatory projects in theatre and music, in the Pavarotti Centre in Mostar, for young people and children traumatised by war. They worked alongside UK visionary artists and activists Eugene Skeef, Nigel Osborne (OBE), Tom Stoppard and Brian Eno as well as dozens of local musicians & bands in helping rebuild the post-war sound and music scene. Their experiences in Bosnia shaped their heart felt belief in putting community at the core of the artistic process. Pete was working with teenage musicians who had been ex-child soldiers in Sarajevo & Mostar, which led to setting up the Sarajevo Drum Orchestra.

Roxana and Pete the Remembered award 2019.jpg